795 Funny Cow Names That Are Amoosing (2024)

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Are you looking for funny cow name puns and jokes? Here are the best cow names you’ll find. They are cow-tally going to make you laugh!

Are you ready to hear something cow-razy? There’s a research study that reported that dairy cows with names produce one liter more milk than cows without names. Isn’t that amazing?! I had cow idea.

Every bovine needs a name!

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If you don’t pick the right name for your cow, it could mean udder destruction! And nobody wants that.

I’ve searched high and low and I’ve found the best funny names you could name your heifer!

So wether you’re looking for a funny name, cute name, good name, unique name, perfect name, proper name, right name, adorable name, popular name, classic name, or names for a herd of cows, this list is perfect!

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A brown and white calf behind a barbed wire fence is looking at the camera.

Funny Cow Names

Get ready to laugh at these funny cow names!

  1. Buttercup
  2. Daisy
  3. Winnie the Moo
  4. Milkshake
  5. Bessie
  6. Sir Loin
  7. Mooana
  8. Rosie
  9. Kim Cowdashian
  10. MooDonna
  11. Moolawn
  12. Big Mac
  13. Waffles
  14. Leonardo DiCowprio
  15. Oreo
  16. Cocoa
  17. Mooshu
  18. Sunny
  19. MooMoo
  20. Angus
  21. Cowculator
  22. Moogan Freeman
  23. Holy Cow
  24. Red Bull
  25. Wiggles
  26. Cowboy
  27. Summer
  28. T-Bone
  29. Moorio
  30. Elvis
  31. Moossolini
  32. MooVit
  33. Mrs. Butterworth
  34. Mud Pie
  35. Sunshine
  36. Meatloaf
  37. Mooley Ray Cyrus
  38. Cockadoodle Moo
  39. Tiny
  40. Cheddar
  41. MosCow
  42. Hugh Heifer
  43. Moohamed
  44. Moon
  45. Cowlick
  46. LovaBull
  47. Cheeseburger
  48. Demi Moo
  49. Bossy
  50. Bill
  51. Well Done
  52. Cownt Dracula
  53. Moolissa McCarthy
  54. Prince Moo Milk
  55. Hamburger
  56. Daisy Mae West
  57. Rick Rawss
  58. Taylor
  59. Excuse Moo
  60. Toto
  61. Moo Snuckel
  62. Brown Cow
  63. Grassyella
  64. Moo Baa La La La
  65. Big Mac
  66. Mootilda
  67. Bulldozer
  68. Cheddar
  69. Beef Stew
  70. Cheeseburger
  71. Moo York
  72. Cowabunga
  73. Mooman
  74. Cowasaki
  75. Mootopia
  76. Cowch
  77. Moscow
  78. Cowfetti
  79. Wee Willy
  80. Beef Burger
  81. The Sause Bause
  82. Mooney
  83. Cowculator
  84. Milkshake
  85. General Mootors
  86. Milkyway
  87. Cowzilla
  88. Moody
  89. Deja-Moo
  90. Milkmaid
  91. Excuse Moo
  92. Holy Cow
  93. Meatloaf
  94. Laughing Cow
  95. Maw Cow
  96. Moostache
  97. Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth
  98. Oink
  99. Prince Moo Milk
  100. Red Bull
  101. Cowderella
  102. Dr. Moo
  103. Moolan
  104. Alex Moogan
  105. Blake Livestock
  106. Moogan Freeman
  107. DJ Cowled
  108. Moo Dogg
  109. Bradley Mooper
  110. Charlie Mooplin
  111. Moona Lisa
  112. Cristiano Moonaldo
  113. Dairy Lee
  114. Emily Ratajcowski
  115. George Mooney
  116. Henry Cowvill
  117. Donald Rump
  118. Moodonna
  119. Hugh Cowman
  120. Ian Mookellen
  121. James Fancow
  122. Robert Cowney Jr.
  123. Megan Ox
  124. Liza Cowshy
  125. Sandra Bullock
  126. Moochelle Obama
  127. J.K. Cowling
  128. Lin-Manuel Mooranda
  129. Marilyn Moonroe
  130. Milkauley Culkin
  131. Mootalica
  132. Pablo Picowsso
  133. Roan Atkinson
  134. Simon Cowell
  135. Wayne Mooney
7 brown and white cows are behind a barded wire fence.  Some of the cows are white with brown spots and some are brown with white spots.

Great Cow Names

If you don’t want a funny name for your cow, here are more classic cow names!

  1. Annie
  2. Dixie
  3. Muffin
  4. Pancake
  5. Annabelle
  6. Bella
  7. Daisy
  8. Flossie
  9. Minnie
  10. Penelope
  11. Betty
  12. Clarabelle
  13. Popsicle
  14. Sprinkles
  15. Peaches
  16. Syrup
  17. Big Mac
  18. Cowabunga
  19. Holy Cow
  20. Milkshake
  21. Cowasaki
  22. Deja-Moo
  23. Moody
  24. Gremlin
  25. MooMoo
  26. Stew
  27. Trotter
  28. Donald Rump
  29. George Moo-ney
  30. Mrs. Moo
  31. Red Bull
  32. Moo York
  33. Sir Loin
  34. Maggie
  35. Hugh Heifer
  36. Moo-ella Deville
  37. T-Bone
  38. Moona Lisa
  39. Simon Coo-well
  40. Angus
  41. Morgan Friesian
  42. Benjamin
  43. Masterpiece
  44. Hunter
  45. Cockadoodle Moo
  46. Jack
  47. Kenny
  48. Bob
  49. Milky Way
  50. Carter
  51. Homer
  52. Cooper
  53. Sebastian
  54. Mootilda
  55. Buddy
  56. Duke
  57. Earl
  58. Henry
  59. Lincoln
  60. Maverick
  61. Noah
  62. Oscar
  63. Roman
  64. Sampson
  65. Zeke
  66. Arabella
  67. Bianca
  68. Bluebell
  69. Chloe
  70. Ella
  71. Emma
  72. Jasmine
  73. Maggie
  74. Meg
  75. Millie
  76. Phoebe
  77. Popcorn
  78. Princess
  79. Rosie
  80. Sweetie
  81. Blossom
  82. Bumble
  83. Buttons
  84. Clover
  85. Cloud
  86. Joy
  87. Petal
  88. Tulip
  89. River
  90. Silver
  91. Astro
  92. Diablo
  93. Dumpliing
  94. Flipper
  95. Imp
  96. Loopy
  97. Speedy
  98. Summer
  99. Tinker
  100. Titch
  101. Zippy
  102. Boo
  103. Buzz Lightyear
  104. Cinderella
  105. Dory
  106. Lightning McQueen
  107. Meridia
  108. Mulan
  109. Nemo
  110. Remy
  111. Sully
  112. Woody
  113. Amelia
  114. Athena
  115. Cassidy
  116. Darwin
  117. Dexter
  118. Da Vinci
  119. Einstein
  120. Galileo
  121. Higgins
  122. Holmes
  123. Kasparoy
  124. Milton
  125. Newton
  126. Pascal
  127. Prudence
  128. Tesla
  129. Watson
  130. Winifred
  131. Alaska
  132. Angel
  133. Blizzard
  134. Cloud
  135. Crystal
  136. Dazzle
  137. Diamond
  138. Gem
  139. Ghost
  140. Ivory
  141. Lily
  142. Luna
  143. Magnolia
  144. Marshmallow
  145. Moonshine
  146. Nova
  147. Opal
  148. Pearl
  149. Shimmer
  150. Snowball
  151. Snowflake
  152. Star
  153. Starlight
  154. Bear
  155. Blackjack
  156. Cinders Coco
  157. Ebony
  158. Espresso
  159. Guinness
  160. Midnight
  161. Morticia
  162. Nebula
  163. Nero
  164. Pepper
  165. Phantom
  166. Raven
  167. Shadow
  168. Smokey
  169. Storm
  170. Thunder
  171. Twilight
  172. Biscuit
  173. Brownie
  174. Butterscotch
  175. Caramel
  176. Cocoa
  177. Hazel
  178. Hershey
  179. Hicory
  180. Honey
  181. Mocha
  182. Molasses
  183. Nutella
  184. Sahara
  185. Sandy
  186. Teddy
  187. Toffee
  188. Tootsie
  189. Cookie
  190. Domino
  191. Dottie
  192. Freckles
  193. Humbug
  194. Magpie
  195. Marble
  196. Mickey
  197. Oreo
  198. Panda
  199. Patches
  200. Penguin
  201. Perdita
  202. Polka
  203. Pongo
  204. Smudge
  205. Snoopy
  206. Speckles
  207. Spot
  208. Sprinkles
  209. Zebra
  210. Ziggy
  211. Amber
  212. Autumn
  213. Brandy
  214. Copper
  215. Crimson
  216. Elmo
  217. Ferrari
  218. Foxy
  219. Ginger
  220. Red
  221. Robin
  222. Rowan
  223. Ruby
  224. Russet
  225. Rusty
  226. Scarlet
  227. Sienna
  228. Valentine
  229. Ace
  230. Axel
  231. Blade
  232. Bolt
  233. Boss
  234. Buzz
  235. Chopper
  236. Diesel
  237. Gunner
  238. Rebel
  239. Sumo
  240. Tank
  241. Titan
  242. Tyson
  243. Viking
  244. Elm Farm Ollie
  245. Elsie
  246. Lani Moo
  247. Little Witch
  248. Norman
  249. Laughing Cow
  250. Mooove
  251. Bully
  252. Muddy Buddy
  253. Motley Moo
  254. Cheesehead
  255. Milkyway
  256. Cowsey Moosey
  257. Fatty Pie
  258. Moo-dy
  259. Longhorn
  260. Moo York
  261. Mr. Moo
  262. Cow-culator
  263. City Slicker
  264. Maggie Moo
  265. Cowch
  266. Frankinbrain
  267. Cow Ard
  268. Butterfly
  269. Flossy
  270. Confetti
  271. Milkdud
  272. Mossy
  273. Cookie Batter
  274. Oink
  275. Ribeye
  276. Curly Sue
  277. Swiss Miss
  278. Moolawn
  279. Bossy
  280. Mooly
  281. Spotty
  282. Milkmaid
  283. Merry Moo
  284. Hay
  285. Milk
  286. Herd
  287. Udder
  288. Clara
  289. Elsa
  290. Emma
  291. Betsy
  292. Jolene
  293. Juiette
  294. Madeline
  295. Noelle
  296. Dahlia
  297. Delilah
  298. Maurice
  299. Orville
  300. Pascal
  301. Philippe
  302. Claude
  303. Horns
  304. Tank
  305. Hydro
  306. Louis
  307. Marcel
  308. Antoine
  309. Armand
  310. Arthur
  311. Bryce
  312. Adele
  313. Pearl
  314. Gertie
  315. Gloria
  316. Georgiana
  317. Boes
  318. Muriel
  319. Margie
  320. Sunny
  321. Sylvia
  322. Tilly
  323. Rosemary
  324. Rosie
  325. Roxanna
  326. Ruby
  327. Trudy
  328. Vera
  329. Victoria
  330. Queenie
  331. Rose
  332. Nora
  333. Noreen
  334. Virginia
  335. Vivian
  336. Cinderella
  337. Angus
  338. Ashley
  339. Dracula
  340. Dragon
  341. Ebony
  342. Alaska
  343. Coconut
  344. Cotton
  345. Angel
  346. Bianca
  347. Blizzard
  348. Casper
  349. Cloud
  350. Gertie
  351. Nellie
  352. Penny
  353. Rosie
  354. Bessie
  355. Beauty
  356. Candie
  357. Cupcake
  358. Goldie
  359. Magic
  360. Crystal
  361. Puff
  362. Buckwheat
  363. Butercup
  364. Buttermilk
  365. Butterscotch
  366. Caramel
  367. Magician
  368. Redford
  369. Buck
  370. Ace of Spades
  371. Magic
  372. Magpie
  373. Panda
  374. Red
  375. Rowan
  376. Lovabull
  377. Prince
  378. Princess
  379. Joey
  380. Robin
  381. Jellybean
  382. Lila
  383. Bailey
  384. Sugar
  385. June
  386. Buster
  387. Petal
  388. Augustine
  389. Scarlett
  390. Dexter
  391. Sophie
  392. Finn
  393. Trudy
  394. Alex Moogan
  395. Shelly
  396. Alma
  397. Jax
  398. Babe
  399. Belinda
  400. Polly
  401. Stella
  402. Apollo
  403. Nellie
  404. Ollie
  405. Julia
  406. Annie
  407. Leo
  408. Toby
  409. Zeus
  410. Bruno
  411. Blue
  412. Adeline
  413. Vera
  414. Louie
  415. Gus
  416. Baby
  417. Moose
  418. Jake
  419. Loki
  420. Sally
  421. Thor
  422. Buddy
  423. Chewy
  424. Brock
  425. Rudy
  426. Jamie
  427. Teddy Jake
  428. Nitrous
  429. Riley
  430. Cody
  431. Harley
  432. Max
  433. Ace Jasper
  434. Jude
  435. Juie
  436. Jimbo
  437. Joel
  438. Lamuel
  439. Sam
  440. Peanut
  441. Gizmo
  442. Duke
  443. Ben
  444. Jack
  445. Bobby
  446. Armor
  447. Rob
  448. Theo
  449. Gunn
  450. Pete
  451. Zeke
  452. Kristof
  453. Lorrie
  454. Kobe
  455. Mike
  456. Hydro
  457. Walt
  458. Romeo
  459. Bear Bear
  460. Hank
  461. Horns
  462. Tob
  463. Spike
  464. Benji
  465. Baiely
  466. Cooper
  467. Robbie
  468. Kratos
  469. Rich
  470. Kate
  471. Kiley
  472. Henrietaa
  473. Liz
  474. Richie
  475. Sampson
  476. Charlie
  477. James
  478. Baldur
  479. Earl
  480. Ollie
  481. Odin
  482. Rocky
  483. Benny
  484. Frank
  485. Simba
  486. Baxter
  487. Scout
  488. Homer
  489. Paulie
  490. Timothy
  491. Coco
  492. Rex
  493. Tank
  494. Bully Loko
  495. Arnold
  496. Arnie
  497. Nate
  498. Marley
  499. Smith
  500. Lucky
  501. Bully
  502. Smithy
  503. Niles
  504. Diesel
  505. Bret
  506. Vin
  507. Brad
  508. Jones
  509. Kyle
  510. Dahlia
  511. Samantha
  512. Kim
  513. Dorothy
  514. Jackie
  515. Sammy
  516. Esmeralda
  517. Ava
  518. Eva
  519. Emma
  520. Lisa
  521. Bella
  522. Minnie
  523. Margie
  524. Bunny
  525. Anika
  526. Jess
  527. Tess
  528. Jasmine
  529. Anastasia
  530. Flower
  531. Pretty
  532. Gertie
  533. Curly
  534. Lindsey
  535. Molly
  536. Kelly
  537. Katie
  538. Lizzie
A brown and white cow is standing in a green field looking at the camera.

Cute Cow Names

Here are the cutest names for your cow!

  1. Penny
  2. Molly
  3. Betty
  4. Winnie
  5. Clarabelle
  6. Lilly
  7. Betsie
  8. Daisy
  9. Sprinkles
  10. Arabelle
  11. Millie
  12. Peaches
  13. Sadie
  14. Maggie
  15. Rosie
  16. Nellie
  17. Phoebe
  18. Emmie
  19. Bestsie
  20. Maggie
  21. Bessie
  22. Cupcake
  23. Minnie

Famous Cow Names

Here is a list of popular cow names!

  1. Winnie The Moo
  2. Kim Cowdashian
  3. Hugh Heifer
  4. Barak Obamoo
  5. Moohamed
  6. Mooley Ray Cyrus
  7. Moolawn
  8. Leonardo DiCowprio
  9. Cownt Dracula
  10. George Mooney
  11. Mooana
  12. Moolissa McCarthy
  13. Prince Moo Milk
  14. MooDonna
  15. Cowie Underwood
  16. Milky Moose
  17. Moogan Freeman
  18. Daisy Mae West
  19. Rick Rawss
  20. Tim McGrass or Tim MooGraw
  21. Eddie Moophy
  22. Milkauley Culkin
  23. Demi Moo
  24. Moona Lisa

Food Cow Names

Here are the best edible cow names!

  1. Big Mac
  2. T-Bone
  3. Milkshake
  4. Milky Way
  5. Cookie
  6. Cocoa
  7. Red Bull
  8. Sir Loin
  9. Buttercup
  10. Sugar
  11. Chocolate Chip
  12. Stew
  13. Butterscotch
  14. Milky
  15. Biscuit
  16. Cupcake
  17. Milk Dud
  18. Sprinkles
  19. Oreo
  20. Nutella
  21. Pancake
  22. Ginger
  23. Chocolate Milk
  24. Roast Beef
  25. Hershey
  26. Popsicle
  27. Marshmallow
  28. Brownie
  29. Coconut
  30. Cookie
  31. Angus
  32. Maple
  33. Honey
  34. Moolasses

Female Cow Names

Here are amazing cow names for your female cows.

  1. Opal
  2. Pearl
  3. Ariel
  4. Mittens
  5. Princess
  6. Anna
  7. Sugar
  8. Eve
  9. Dorothy
  10. Luna
  11. Angel
  12. Sally
  13. Polly
  14. Bambi
  15. Foxy
  16. Sunny
  17. Goldie
  18. Lola
  19. Bella

Male Cow Names

Here are the best cow names for male cows!

  1. Blackjack
  2. Ebony
  3. Hickory
  4. Diesel
  5. Emery
  6. Guinness
  7. Magic
  8. Onyx
  9. Shadow
  10. Moose
  11. Casper
  12. Smokey
  13. Zoro
  14. Copper
  15. Ghost
  16. Tank
  17. Rowan
  18. Brandy
  19. Storm
  20. Thunder
  21. Copper
  22. Domino

The Bottom Line

If you were a cow, don’t you think you would like a name? I know I would.

Plus, what dairy farmer wouldn’t want each of their cows to make one liter of milk more each? I am sure every single one of them would like that.

So wether it’s Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ail Van Allen O’Shea, each cow needs a name!

Make sure it’s the right name.

If you want names for white cows, red cows, dairy cows, or some creative names, traditional names, punny cow names, more good cow names for your bovine friend, or cow puns or cow jokes, let me know in the comments.


What is a silly cow name?

Big Mac, T-Bone, Toto, Moo Snuckel, Brown Cow, Grassyella, Big Mac, Mootilda, Bulldozer, Cheddar, Beef Stew, Cheeseburger, Moo York, Cowabunga, and Mooman are silly cow names.

What should I name my cow?

Here are a few great names for your cows: Laughing Cow, Mooove, Bully, Muddy Buddy, Motley Moo, Cheesehead, Milkyway, Cowsey Moosey, and Fatty Pie.

What is a famous cow name?

Winnie the Moo, Mooana, Kim Cowdashian, MooDonna, Moolawn, Leonardo DiCowprio, Moogan Freeman, Prince Moo Milk, MooDonna, Cowie Underwood, Moogan Freeman, and Daisy Mae West are names for famous cows.

What do you name a longhorn cow?

Diesel, Emery, Guinness, Magic, Onyx, Shadow, Moose, Casper, Smokey, Zoro, and Copper are good names for a longhorn cow.

Want More?

Final Thoughts

This is the right place for the best cow names. I hope you like these names as much as I do.

Did you find the perfect cow name?

Let me know what you think in the comments.

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