185 Funny Skull Puns And Jokes That Are Too Humerus!

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Looking for the funniest skull puns and jokes? Here is the best list that is sure to tickle your funny bone!

I love to laugh. LOVE it!

I also love hearing embarrassing stories, but let’s talk about that another time.

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Puns and jokes are my favorite. I’ve written many posts about them, because they make me smile.

If you love them too, here are a skele-ton of amazing skull puns and jokes! They’re sure to tickle your funny bone!

I’ve also written posts on the best skeleton puns and jokes, bones puns and jokes, and death puns and jokes. I know you’ll love them too!

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A skeleton looking at the top corner of the photo.

Skull Puns

Let’s get started and I’ll give you a hand. Here come a bunch of skull puns!

  1. I really think these skull puns and jokes will knuckle your socks off.
  2. My favorite part about Halloween? The treats are all so crani-yum!
  3. You can definitely say that I’m a perfectly skull-pted human being.
  4. That skull pun wasn’t hor-rib-ble!
  5. Always here to be sternum-p trouble (stirrin’ up, get it?).
  6. Wish I brought a jacket because I’m a little clavi-cold right now.
  7. Always sternum-p trouble with this one.
  8. Feeling pretty vertebrae-ve.
  9. This is my cont-rib-ution to Halloween.

Skull Jokes

  1. What did the funny skull say to his son? Without any legs, you can’t skele-run from my skele-puns!
  2. I cracked my skull on a bookcase today. It was an accident, but when a relative saw the bump she tried to counsel me about shelf harm.
  3. What’s a skull’s favorite song to sing? “I ain’t got no body.”
  4. They say to duck, because you could get your skull quacked.
  5. I knew the skull wasn’t going to win the argument. It didn’t have an argument to stand on.
  6. Did you hear about the skeleton who made it into the Monster Hall of Fame? He was honored with a nice skull-pture.
  7. Why are graveyards so noisy? Because of all the coffin.
  8. I threw a Duracell at someone’s head the other day and it cracked his skull. I was arrested and charged with battery.
  9. My skull doesn’t mind when I call it a bonehead.
  10. I had to cancel the art show I organized for my skull-ptures. My heart wasn’t in it.
  11. Orthopedic doctors hate paintings, they find them boring. They much prefer skull-ptures.
A skeleton is smiling at some clever puns he heard.

Skeleton Puns

  1. There’s a skeleton in your closet!
  2. Hope everyone has a skele-ton of fun.
  3. Dressed as a skeleton because I don’t need no body to be happy!
  4. Being a skeleton really isn’t all it’s cracked up tibia.
  5. I’ve heard boney fashion is skelet-in this year?
  6. Why did I decide on a skeleton theme? Tibia awesome, that’s why!
  7. Dressing up as a skeleton was definitely a phlang-enius idea.
  8. The best way to describe a skeleton that is having the best time of his life is probably by saying that he is having an osteoblast!
  9. Okay, maybe I dressed up as a cliched skeleton, but skull puns are where I jaw the line.
  10. Have you been spine on us?
  11. The skeletons that were given the job of finishing the test were unable to complete it on time because it was a skeleton crew.
  12. There was a skeleton who always failed all his examinations in school because he was a numskull!
  13. There was a skeleton who always found his spine to be very funny. Whenever it was funny, it started cracking up!
  14. Did we both dress up as skeletons? You’ve got tibia kidding me!
  15. Pfft-and people say I have no backbone.
  16. Well, aren’t you going to talus how great we are?
  17. Joint costumes can be a skele-ton of fun.

Skeleton Jokes

Did you think I was done? I’m not dead yet. Here are more jokes to keep you laughing!

  1. What did one skeleton say to another? You’re dead to me.
  2. Why are skeletons bad at high-stress jobs? Because they’re easily rattled!
  3. What kind of birds do skeletons like? Sea skulls.
  4. What musical instrument do skeletons like best? The trom-bone!
  5. How did the skeleton know the other skeleton was lying? He could see right through him.
  6. What happened when the skeleton went to the barbeque? He helped himself to some spare ribs!
  7. Why didn’t the skeleton play football? His heart wasn’t in it.
  8. Why did the skeleton refuse to scare children on Halloween? He didn’t have the stomach for it.
  9. As I was putting together a skeleton in my biology class, I held onto my table’s skull. Not paying attention, I nearly dropped the skull. Without skipping a beat, I said, “Whew, nearly lost my head there for a second there!”
  10. Who is a famous skeleton detective? Sherlock Bones.
  11. Who won the race between the skeleton and the skull? The skull did. It was just ahead.
  12. What do you call a lie told by a skeleton? A fibula.
  13. Why did the skeleton start a fight? Because he had a bone to pick.
  14. How do you make a skeleton laugh? Tickle his funny bone!
  15. The best way to describe a skeleton that is having the best time of his life is probably by saying that he is having an osteoblast!
  16. How did one skeleton know the other skeleton was lying? Because he could see right through him.
  17. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? Because he had no body to go with.
  18. What happened to the pirate ship that sank in the sea full of sharks? It came back with a skeleton crew.
  19. Why do you never see a skeleton on a plane? They prefer to travel by skel-ecopter!
  20. Why did the skeleton go to the museum? Because it wanted to go see the skull-ptures.
  21. What did the skeleton make out of origami? An origami crane-ium.
  22. Why did the skeleton insist on carrying around a bucket of gore? Because it was his own flesh and blood!
  23. Did you hear about the skeleton that dropped out of medical school? He just didn’t have the stomach for it.
  24. The skeleton was so stupid, he was a total numskull.
  25. Why do skeletons drink so much milk? It’s good for the bones.
  26. What’s a skeleton’s favorite thing to get at a BBQ? Spare ribs.
  27. What do you say to a skeleton who’s leaving on a trip? Bone voyage!
  28. What did the skeleton say to his wife? I love every bone in your body.
  29. Why did the skeleton climb up the tree? Because a dog was after his bones.
  30. What’s the best way to reach a skeleton? Call him on his skel-phone.
  31. The skeleton wanted to play the trombone, but I thought the saxabone would suit it better. Tibia honest, both instruments can be quite humerus when you are feeling bonely.
  32. The skeleton cried his eyes out because he didn’t have an body to love.
  33. What do you call a skeleton who rings the doorbell? A dead ringer.
  34. Why was the skeleton always terrified? He didn’t have the guts to do anything.
  35. How did the skeleton lose his skin? Something made his flesh crawl.
  36. I bought my skeleton a new plant to say sorry for all the skeleton joke articles I’d been writing. He absolutely loves his bone-sai tree.
  37. The skeleton couldn’t look at the spare ribs I was making. He didn’t have the stomach for it.
  38. What kind of pasta do skeletons enjoy eating the most? Elbow macaroni.
  39. Why are skeletons stressed out all of the time? Because they’re easily rattled.
  40. What do skeletons complain about? Aching bones.
  41. We had to discipline the naughty skeleton, so we put him in a rib cage.
  42. Why don’t skeletons do well at sports? Because they have no skin in the game.
  43. The favorite mode of travel for skeleton pilots is-wait for it-the scareplane or the skelecopter.
  44. What’s a skeleton’s least favorite room in the house? The living room.
  45. Why did the skeleton wife get mad at her skeleton husband? She didn’t like his skele-tone.
  46. Did you hear about the skeleton who wasn’t cool? He didn’t have a hip bone in his body.
  47. What do you call a dad joke about skeletons? A skele-pun.
  48. How did skeletons send mail back in the old days? The bony express.
  49. Who won the skeleton beauty contest? No body.
  50. American skeletons love the history of America. Their favorite part is the bit about Napoleon Bone-a-part.
  51. I guess I could learn a femur skeleton puns if you don’t like these ones.
  52. How did the skeleton mom reprimand her kids? She skull-ded them.
  53. It was pretty clear that the skeleton was having a great time at the party. He looked like he was having an osteoblast.
  54. This article is just trying way too hard tibia list of funny skeleton jokes.
  55. The skeleton was pretty lonely when he realized he had no body.
  56. I’m finding these skeleton jokes and anatomy puns very humerus.
  57. I saw a snake that was a skeleton once, it gave me a real fright. It was a ratter.
  58. I invited a skeleton to my house for dinner, and said I’d cook him a t-bone steak. He politely declined. He said he didn’t have the stomach for it.
  59. I like to watch my favorite bone doctor show on the skelevision.
  60. What does a skeleton use to cut through objects? A shoulder blade.
  61. Orthopedic doctors are great to go on vacation with. They will take you in their skelecopter.
A skeleton is wearing an afro and blue sunglasses.

Bone Puns

  1. This year, I kind of had to a-bone-don all my plans.
  2. Ain’t nobody gonna rib us apart.
  3. It’s going to be a great Halloween! I can feel it in my bones.
  4. Listen buddy, I wasn’t bone yesterday.
  5. It’s never bonely with this one.
  6. No body gets my Halloween costume this year…
  7. Having this one in my life is always such a bone-us.
  8. You big ol’ bag a bones.
  9. Bone to be wild.
  10. We’re having a real Halloween Bone-anza this year.
  11. No need to tell me because I already know, I look totally fibula-s!
  12. We marrowly escaped that one!
  13. Thought about dressing up as a lumberjack, but came as a lumbar-jack instead.
  14. I was bone for this!
  15. Halloween greetings from your favorite bonehead.
  16. I didn’t know what to wear this Halloween until I had a true epipha-knee.
  17. You can definitely say I’m a natural bone leader.
  18. That’s as dry as a bone.
  19. You give me femur, femur when you kiss me, femur when you hold me tight.
  20. No guts, no glory!
  21. Tibia honest, these skull puns are hilarious!
  22. With this one, I always know everything is going tibia okay.
  23. The bonely one for me!
  24. When cabin fever becomes cabin femur.
  25. Tibia, or not tibia? That is the question.
  26. I’ve been working my fingers to the bone to make this the best Halloween ever.
  27. You’re looking at a couple of phalang-eniuses.
  28. Spending time home a-bone this year.
  29. I have a bone to pick with you.
  30. I chose this costume because I want to be hip.
  31. I’ve always been a fan of humerus costumes.
  32. I’m a bone-afide Halloween professional.
  33. A star is bone.

Bone Jokes

  1. My friend was shot clean through his skull but survived. I can’t imagine what was going through his mind at the time.
  2. How much do human bones weigh? A skele-ton.
  3. Keep scrolling please. I’d tell you a joke about bones, but it probably won’t be humerus.
  4. Leg bones are known for always wanting to tell the truth. They find it easy tibia honest.
  5. Ribcages often get sick when it’s fall, because of all the windy days. The chill goes right through them.
  6. Getting hurt is such a bone-breaking experience, but you can’t deny it’s a spine-tickling event.
  7. I love my funny bone. There is no denying that I find it very humerus.
  8. What is a skeleton’s favorite type of film to watch? A spine-tingler.
  9. Try as she might, the skeleton just couldn’t manage to drag herself out of bed. She was bone tired.
  10. Ribcages are terrible liars. You can see right through them.
  11. You can always tell when a spine finds your bone puns funny. They start cracking up.
  12. The bone was making me annoyed. He kept telling lies. If you ask me, he was a total phoney-ba-boney.
  13. The ribcage really wanted to start a fight on Halloween. He had a bone to pick with the werewolf.
  14. Bone lovers always tend to like spending time in the forest. I found out that it’s because they like the s-pine trees.
  15. Did you hear about the bone that was almost eaten by a group of wild dogs? It was a marrow escape.
  16. I use to have loads of funny spine puns, but now my supply is bone dry. I obviously wasn’t as femurous as I thought I was.
  17. What do bony people use to get into their homes? A skeleton key.
  18. I went to a school for learning about bones for a while. I’m sad I graduated, I really liked going to osteoclass.
  19. I asked my butcher to give me some t-bones, but instead he gave me sirloins. It was only when I got home that I realized he’d made a misteak.
  20. The rib cage would always order a wine that was full bodies in the restaurant, I didn’t want to say anything but I’m pretty sure it was because it didn’t have one.
  21. I met a French orthopedic doctor. I didn’t know how to greet him, but he said “bone-jour”.
  22. Bones are always so calm. Nothing ever gets under their skin.
  23. Every Sunday, the ribcage likes to play his organ for the congregation.
  24. If your friends don’t laugh at these hilarious bone puns, their funny bone is probably broke.
  25. I was worried that my bone humor would fall flat, but then I used my funny bone.
  26. No one knees to know this, but I really kneed you.
  27. I had to send my spine to prison. It was bad to the bone.
  28. Backbones are great at chopping down trees. They make brilliant lumbar-jacks.
  29. My best friend told me he had my back. I’d been wondering where that went.
  30. I left a skull out in the sun. It became bone dry.
  31. I want to tell some more funny bone jokes, but I just don’t have the guts to.
  32. Tibia honest, it takes a lot of spine to memorize jokes and puns about the bones in the skeleton.
  33. Lots of bones try to be cool, but none are ever going to be more trendy than the hip.
  34. I knew what was about to happen next when I turned into a skeleton. I could feel it in my bones.
  35. Just hold tight, this is going tibia okay.
  36. I had a guitar pick made of bone and I lost it somewhere in my bedroom. I really have a bone to pick with myself for being so careless.
  37. My bones don’t follow normal rules. They’re bone tibia wild.
  38. A dog’s favorite book is Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Bone.
  39. I went to an anatomy beauty contest. It was kind of boring, in the end no body won.
  40. I picked up a pile of bones I ordered online. I was surprised that they weight a skele-ton.
  41. Two thigh bones couldn’t be bothered to go out, so they just stayed in bed. Lazy bones.
  42. I put a skull on the front of my Harley Davidson motorbike. What can I say, I’m bone to be wild.
  43. If you decide to boil your funny bone, you might be able to turn it into a laughing stock.
  44. I ulna want to be with you.
  45. The femur tried to propose to the radius, he asked “Will you marrow me?”
  46. Sorry, I just got a text on my cell bone, I’ll be right back.
  47. Do you know how many bones there are in a human hand? I’m not sure either, but I’m assuming it’s a handful.
  48. I went to the doctor to donate my body to science. He told me I had to spine on the dotted line.
  49. I went to dinner last week with a group of orthopedic surgeons. Before we ate, they insisted that we say, “Bone appetit!”
  50. If you try to call an orthopedic doctor on her rotary skelephone, she isn’t going to answer. It’s best to get her on her cell bone.
  51. The orthopedic doctor was working far too hard. I told him, “You’re going to work yourself down to the bone!”
  52. I went to an orthopedic surgeon’s house for tea. She served it in bone china.
  53. The osteopathic doctor was always a favorite guest at a potluck dinner. It was because he brought the best spare ribs.
  54. If you want to get a hold of your anatomy professor, the best thing to do is call them on their cell bone.
  55. There are two biology teachers at my school that are passionate about teaching about bones. One is humerus, but the other is extremely sternum.
  56. The most famous skeleton I know is Sherlock Bones.
  57. A group of archeologists found a leg bone once when they were doing an excavation. They were so excited about what they found that they invited all the other archeologists they knew over to help them remove it. It turned out to be quite the shin-dig.
  58. I always knew I would end up being an orthopedic doctor. When I was a child I just felt it in my bones.

How To Write Your Own Puns

Want tibia learn how to write your own puns but don’t have the skulls? I’ve got your back!

All you knee-d to do is say a bone word like skeleton, bone, or skull over and over a few times. Listen and try to think of other words they sound like.

Now, you can write a pun like, “Bone-apetit!”

This is your chance to write amazing skull puns! They’re going to be good. I can feel it in my bones.

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Final Thoughts

I hope you like these jokes and puns as much as I do! Let me know what you think in the comments.

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